Shadow war armageddon rules pdf
Shadow war armageddon rules pdf

shadow war armageddon rules pdf

Either way, get out there and play something, even if it's Monopoly or Chess, get out and interact with people and spread the word. There are so many good games out there right now, I hope people will give everything a try and not let their bias get in the way of trying something great. I don't know how quickly I'll be working on anything besides Kings of War, since money had become increasingly tight, but with my new job I have an abundance of time I hope to put to good use.

shadow war armageddon rules pdf

Despite how you might feel, even at the extreme price of 165$ the game's a good deal and is on my "things to buy down the road", but more importantly I'm working on 1) Kings of War, 2)Malifaux, 3)Wrath of Kings, 4)Warhammer 40k, 5) anything else I have left over. Lots of things are going on in the miniatures world, with tons of products coming out every month including the new Deathwatch game from Games Workshop. Okay, the end of last year was brutal, but I hope most things have ironed themselves out.

Shadow war armageddon rules pdf